November 2020 Global Dialogue

  • Virtual

NTI convened the 12th meeting of the Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities virtually on November 2, 5, and 10, 2020. This meeting was attended by government officials from 19 countries, representatives from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the United Nations (UN), as well as industry and non-governmental experts from around the world.

The meeting addressed four topics:

  • The 2020 NTI Nuclear Security Index (NTI Index): NTI presented key findings from the NTI Index, including the slowed global progress in recent years. The presentation focused on findings and recommendations relevant to strengthening the nuclear security global architecture.
  • Sustaining Political Attention on Nuclear Security: The group discussed opportunities for sustaining political attention on nuclear security and ways to take advantage of them. In particular, the group identified the upcoming 2021 conference to review the amended Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials (CPPNM) as an opportunity for promoting high-level attention on nuclear security. For more on the amended CPPNM and the review, see
  • Broadening Engagement on Nuclear Security: The group discussed ways to strengthen engagement on nuclear security, particularly among countries without nuclear materials or nuclear facilities. This included creating a more inclusive narrative about why nuclear security is important that reflects different regional and national perspectives and priorities. Participants highlighted the value of regional forums and exchanges as a means for building interest and awareness in nuclear security.
  • Strengthening Peer Review: The group discussed ways to strengthen nuclear security peer review, including how to increase demand for and strengthen IAEA International Physical Protection Advisory Service (IPPAS) missions. The group considered lessons learned from nuclear safety and non-nuclear sectors. This discussion was supported by a paper Peer Reviews and International Assurances authored by John Barrett, an independent consultant.


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