Cathy Gwin
Senior Director, Communications
During the fifth session of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Working Group meetings, NTI | bio presented solutions that could effectively reduce the risk of bioweapons development and use by states and other powerful actors.
The Bio Funders Forum is a venue for funders of life science research to share best practices and discuss challenges and opportunities for embedding biosafety and biosecurity best practices into their work.
Dr. Jennifer Nuzzo, DrPH, a professor of epidemiology and director of the Pandemic Center at the Brown University School of Public Health, is one of 100 new members to join the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) as part of its 2024 class.
The international community remains unprepared for the potential misuse of modern bioscience and biotechnology tools to develop biological weapons. NTI | bio convened more than 30 experts for a workshop on enhancing transparency for bioscience research and development and bolstering confidence in compliance with the Biological Weapons Convention.
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