Ramesh Thakur
Director of the Centre for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (CNND), Crawford School, Australian National Univ
In a new statement denouncing the latest nuclear test by North Korea, Asia-Pacific Leadership Network (APLN) Co-Convenors Chung-in Moon and Ramesh Thakur call on “all countries in a position to do so to use their influence with North Korea to lower tensions and cease acts of provocation.”
The leaders’ statement expresses deep concern about the destabilizing effect of North Korea’s test in Northeast Asia and beyond. Of particular concern: the claim that the test was of a miniaturized device capable of being mounted on a missile.
“We reiterate that political tensions and grievances can be addressed only by political means, not by aggravating existing tensions and escalating an arms race,” the statement says.
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APLN co-conveners Chung-in Moon and Ramesh Thakur released a statement deploring the 4th North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile test by North Korea.
A new database created by CNS on NTI’s website documents all of North Korea’s missile test launches since 1984.
NTI and the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies published a new infographic this week illustrating North Korea’s missile capability and strategic threat.