Governor Edmund G. “Jerry” Brown Jr. of California and Charles A. Bowsher, former Comptroller General of the United States and head of the General Accounting Office, have joined the Board of Directors of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), an organization working to prevent catastrophic attacks with weapons of mass destruction and disruption (WMDD)—nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical, and cyber.
“We are delighted to welcome these new board members,” said former Senator Sam Nunn, co-chairman and chief executive officer of NTI. “Governor Brown is a strong advocate for reducing nuclear threats and will bring excellent leadership experience to the Board. Chuck Bowsher has played an invaluable advisory role on fiscal matters, and in the future we will benefit even more from his valuable expertise.”
Edmund G. Brown Jr. currently serves as the Governor of California, after being elected in 1974, 1978, 2010, and 2014. Brown was previously elected California Attorney General in 2006, Mayor of Oakland in 1998 and California Secretary of State in 1970. Brown consistently works to raise public consciousness about today’s nuclear threats. In a review of My Journey at the Nuclear Brink by Dr. William J. Perry, Brown urges action on nuclear security to prevent leaders from “sleepwalking” into a new Cold War.
Charles Bowsher served as Comptroller General of the United States and Head of the General Accounting Office from 1981 until 1996. With a congressional mandate to audit, evaluate, or investigate virtually all federal operations, GAO under his leadership became increasingly involved in some of the most important issues of the day, producing in-depth reports both at the specific request of Congress and on its own initiative. Brown and Bowsher join a Board that includes 22 members from 10 countries.
About NTI
NTI works to protect our lives, environment, and quality of life now and for future generations. We work to prevent catastrophic attacks with weapons of mass destruction and disruption (WMDD)—nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical, and cyber. Founded in 2001 by former U.S. Senator Sam Nunn and philanthropist Ted Turner, NTI is guided by a prestigious, international board of directors. Sam Nunn serves as chief executive officer; Des Browne is vice chairman; and Joan Rohlfing serves as president.
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