
IPNDV Meets to Discuss Priorities and Set Goals for 2022

The International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV) brought together more than 50 representatives from 11 partner countries for a virtual IPNDV 2021 End-of-Year event marking the mid-point of the partnership’s third phase of work, which is focused on disarmament verification approaches designed to build confidence over time. Experts used the four-day event from Nov. 29—Dec. 2 to discuss progress and lessons learned, as well as next steps for 2022.

The IPNDV is an ongoing partnership between NTI, the U.S. Department of State, and more than 25 countries with and without nuclear weapons. Together, the partners are identifying challenges associated with nuclear disarmament verification and developing potential procedures and technologies to address them. Now in Phase III, the initiative is conducting exercises to test the design of confidence-building verification approaches. The end-of-year meeting served as an opportunity to consider priorities and the goals for the next year.

In opening remarks at the Head of Delegation session on Wednesday, December 1st, NTI Senior Vice President Carmen MacDougall said NTI is “proud and honored to be part of the IPNDV since its inception.  We continue to support the partnership by co-leading the Secretariat and providing outreach support to ensure the IPNDV’s work is visible to broader audiences. … We look forward to working with all partners throughout the rest of Phase III and beyond.”

About the IPNDV

The International Partnership for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV), through a unique public-private partnership between the U.S. Department of State and NTI, brings together more than 25 countries, including countries with and without nuclear weapons. For more on the IPNDV, including reports, analysis, and a step-by-step nuclear dismantlement interactive, visit:

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IPNDV Convenes in Budapest for Working Meeting

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