ADVISORY: Nuclear Materials Security Index to Launch
Launch of the Nuclear Threat Initiative’s (NTI) Nuclear Materials Security Index, a first-of-its-kind, public baseline assessment of the status of nuclear materials security conditions in 176 countries.
The NTI Index, prepared with the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), was created to spark an international discussion about priorities required to strengthen security and, most important, to encourage governments to provide assurances and take actions to reduce risks.
At the news conference, NTI and EIU will release the full results of the Index, including country summaries, findings and recommendations.
Watch a replay of the NTI Index launch press conference.
Former Senator Sam Nunn, Co-Chairman, NTI
Dr. Page Stoutland, Vice President for Nuclear Materials Security, NTI
Deepti Choubey, Senior Director for Nuclear and Bio-security, NTI
Leo Abruzzese, Director of Global Forecasting, EIU
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. US Eastern
National Press Club
529 14th St. NW, 13th Floor
Murrow Room
Washington, DC
Cathy Gwin, NTI
[email protected]
202-454-7706 (office)
202-270-5942 (mobile)
More about the project.
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