
New NTI Tutorials Educate on Biological Weapons and Nuclear Testing

The Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), in
partnership with the 
James Martin Center for
Nonproliferation Studies 
(CNS), has released
two new tutorials on
Biological Weapons Nonproliferation and Nuclear

The Biological Weapons Nonproliferation tutorial explains what
biological weapons are and how they work, the threat of bioterrorism, the role
of biosecurity and biosafety, and nonproliferation efforts to prevent the
spread of biological weapons. The
Testing tutorial
reviews historical nuclear testing and
its consequences, global efforts to ban nuclear testing, verification methods,
stockpile stewardship, and nuclear testing since 1996 in Pakistan, India and
North Korea.  

The tutorials use interactive images and infographics and each ends with a short
quiz for those who want to test their knowledge.

These new tutorials join a series developed by NTI and CNS. Topics include nuclear, radiological,
and chemical threats and the international regimes that work to reduce them. The
tutorials are an essential resources for students, educators, government
officials, diplomats, and members of the public hoping to learn more about the
threats of weapons of mass destruction and disruption. 

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NTI Statement and FAQ Regarding NTI-Munich Security Conference 2021 Tabletop Exercise on Reducing High-Consequence Biological Threats

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