NTI Joins 80+ IPNDV Participants in Utrecht for Dismantlement Exercise and More
NTI Experts Participate in a Joint Working Group meeting of the Internaitonal Partnershup for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV)
Members of NTI’s team joined more than 100 experts from 24
countries and the European Union in London in early December 2018 for the
sixth plenary meeting of the International Partnership for Nuclear DisarmamentVerification (IPNDV). This meeting was hosted by the United Kingdom’s Foreign
and Commonwealth Office and Ministry of Defence.
the first day of the meeting, participants were welcomed at the Royal Air Force
Honington base for a site visit and tour of the facilities. The trip to this
former nuclear weapons base helped to familiarize participants with realistic
examples of nuclear weapons storage sites, a facility type that many would
never have had the opportunity to visit. The tour was followed by three days of
discussions within the Partnership’s three technical working groups. Partners
focused on refining plans for outputs and practical activities to close out the
Partnership’s second multi-year phase in 2019, including dismantlement
exercises and technology demonstrations.
NTI Vice President Corey Hinderstein gave remarks at the plenary’s
opening session, along with David Chambers and Sarah Price from the UK Foreign
and Commonwealth Office, Nicole Kett from the UK Ministry of Defence, and
Johnny Neil Couch from the U.S. Department of State.
Learn more about the IPNDV and NTI’s involvement in the
Partnership at www.ipndv.org
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NTI Experts Participate in a Joint Working Group meeting of the Internaitonal Partnershup for Nuclear Disarmament Verification (IPNDV)
NTI Senior Director Andrew Newman participated in a panel event about the IPNDV at the 2018 NPT PrepCom.
The IPNDV held its first joint working group meeting of Phase II in Stockholm, Sweden on March 26 – 28, 2018.