Des Browne
Vice Chair, NTI
Speakers at the Munich Security Conference paid tribute to former Senators Sam Nunn and Richard Lugar on Saturday, February 2 at the Munich Security Conference. Nunn and Lugar were recognized for their Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction legislation and their contributions to nuclear security.
A video honoring Nunn and Lugar's partnership and the work of NTI played for conference attendees, followed by an introduction of Senator Nunn by former Congresswoman and Woodrow Wilson Center President Jane Harman. "Few in Congress have been in his league," said Harman. "He knows the music and the melody."
In remarks to the Conference, Nunn said, "The Cooperative Threat Reduction effort must become a global partnership. The United States and Russia must be founding partners and must join together with other countries to secure weapons and materials globally and to reduce risks that pose a threat to us all."
Nunn also previewed an upcoming report on building mutual security between the United States, Russia and Europe, developed cooperatively with Munich Security Conference Chairman Wolfgang Ischinger, NTI board member and UK parliamentarian Des Browne, and former Russia Foreign Minister and NTI board member Igor Ivanov.
Vice President Joe Biden also honored the work of Senators Nunn and Lugar, saying, "We, as a country, are lucky to have them both and I would argue everyone assembled in this conference is lucky they are still deeply involved in the security interests of all of us involved."
Watch a clip of Jane Harman's introduction.
Watch the Nunn-Lugar tribute video.
VIDEO CREDIT: The Munich Security Conference
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