Warren E. Buffett
Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Berkshire Hathaway
Warren Buffett Joins NTI as Adviser to Board of Directors; Commits Funding To Support NTI’s Mission
Warren Buffett, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., has joined the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) as an Adviser to NTI’s Board of Directors and has committed $2.5 million over five years in support of the Initiative’s work.
“I believe that the greatest danger facing our nation and the world is the global threat from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons,” said Mr. Buffett. “In my view, the global community has not committed the resources necessary to close the dangerous gap between the threat and the response and must do more. NTI has shown that private resources can be leveraged to get governments around the world to do more, and I’m pleased to support its efforts. I admire enormously what Ted Turner and Sam Nunn have been doing and am delighted to join them.”
“Warren Buffett is one of the world’s most respected business leaders, and we are grateful for his strong commitment and dedication to these issues,” said NTI Co-Chairman Ted Turner.
Mr. Buffett, who has been concerned about the threats from weapons of mass destruction for four decades, will be particularly valuable to NTI as an adviser on increasing public awareness and engaging the private sector on these critical issues. “Warren Buffett’s involvement in our work will help draw public attention to the magnitude of the threats we face and can help underscore the importance of concerned citizens, as well as the private sector, joining together to address these threats,” said NTI Co-Chairman Sam Nunn.
The Nuclear Threat Initiative is a private charitable foundation working to reduce the threats from nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. NTI brings together people with different ideological views around a common ground mission focused on immediate actions to close the gap between the global threats and global response. Co-chaired by CNN founder Ted Turner and former Senator Sam Nunn, NTI is governed by an international Board of Directors with members from nine countries.
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