Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats
A new NTI | bio report released today on the sidelines of the Biological Weapons Convention Meeting of States Parties, “Strengthening Global Systems to Prevent and Respond to High-Consequence Biological Threats,” outlines actionable recommendations for the international community to bolster prevention and response capabilities for high-consequence biological events.
Tested by Crisis: Gender Champions in Nuclear Policy
Gender Champions in Nuclear Policy, a project of NTI, was successful in maintaining progress to advance gender equity during the COVID-19 pandemic, a new report released today finds.
Connecting the Pillars of the NPT: Multilateral Disarmament Verification and Non-Proliferation
To support full implementation of the NPT, it is crucial to find a way for non-nuclear weapon states to fulfill their obligation to contribute to disarmament without accessing nuclear weapons or knowledge of their designs, specific materials, or applied technologies.
North Korea has altered its missile testing patterns, launching missiles more frequently and from a variety of new locations. What does this mean? (CNS)
Signals in the Noise: Preventing Nuclear Proliferation with Machine Learning & Publicly Available Information
With the Center for Advanced Defense Studies, NTI demonstrates the viability of using publicly available information and machine learning to detect nuclear proliferation.
U.S. Nuclear Modernization: Security & Policy Implications of Integrating Digital Technology
NTI explores the risks and benefits related to the digitization and automation plans for modernization of U.S. nuclear weapons systems and addresses implications for the national security community to consider as the process moves forward.
The Future of IAEA Safeguards: Rebuilding the Vienna Spirit through Russian-U.S. Expert Dialogue
The report includes four short papers written by U.S. and Russian experts with recommendations for the safeguards community, diplomats, and the public to bolster cooperation in this space.