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135 Results


Developing Guardrails for AI Biodesign Tools


Developing Guardrails for AI Biodesign Tools

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with the life sciences offers tremendous potential benefits to society, but advances in AI biodesign tools also pose significant risks of misuse, with the potential for global consequences.

Nuclear Facilities in Times of Crisis


Nuclear Facilities in Times of Crisis

Novel and increasingly intense global crises, like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, are stressing nuclear facilities in new ways. Governments and international institutions should take steps to ensure that facilities are prepared to withstand these crises.

Toward a Successful 10th NPT Review Conference: Recommendations informed by NTI’s Global Enterprise to Strengthen Nonproliferation and Disarmament


Toward a Successful 10th NPT Review Conference: Recommendations informed by NTI’s Global Enterprise to Strengthen Nonproliferation and Disarmament

This paper offers a focused set of recommendations for specific commitments related to practical and achievable actions that States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) could take to advance the NPT’s goals and achieve success at the 10th NPT Review Conference.

Investing in Global Health Security: How to Build a Fund for Pandemic Preparedness in 2022


Investing in Global Health Security: How to Build a Fund for Pandemic Preparedness in 2022

On April 21, 2022, immediately after G20 finance ministers and central bank governors reached consensus to establish a new Fund for preparedness at the World Bank, a group of leading experts and stakeholders from met to review progress and offer advice on next steps. This paper aims to inform next steps to structure, approve, and launch a new Fund, including the forthcoming consultative process led by the World Bank.

What Is Safeguards Effectiveness?


What Is Safeguards Effectiveness?

The term “safeguards effectiveness” means the effectiveness of IAEA verification—that is, the ability of the IAEA to detect non-compliance.

Ensuring Safeguards Sustainability


Ensuring Safeguards Sustainability

The ways sustainability of the IAEA safeguards system can be ensured by the agency, its Member States, and the international community

Reflections on Safeguards Culture


Reflections on Safeguards Culture

The concepts of “nuclear safety culture” and“nuclear security culture” are well established in IAEA practice, but no similar terminology is used for nuclear safeguards.

Efficiency of IAEA Safeguards Implementation and Innovation


Efficiency of IAEA Safeguards Implementation and Innovation

The IAEA safeguards system ensures that the nuclear material and activities falling under the scope of agreements between the IAEA and states are not being used to build nuclear weapons or any other nuclear explosive devices.

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