Innovating Verification: Verifying Baseline Declarations of Nuclear Warheads and Materials

Part of NTI's Innovating Verification reports series, Verifying Baseline Declarations of Nuclear Warheads and Materials analyzes how baseline declarations can contribute to near- and long-term arms control and non-proliferation goals and how to verify them without compromising sensitive information.
To request print copies, send an e-mail to [email protected]. Visit nti.org/innovatingverification for the full report series.
Chair, Nuclear Materials Subgroup: John Carlson
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Formerly with the Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office
Chair, Warhead Subgroup: James Fuller, Ph.D.
Independent Consultant
Formerly with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
NTI Program Lead: Kelsey Hartigan
Program Officer, International Program
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Warhead Subgroup
Mona Dreicer, Ph.D.
Deputy Director, Center for Global Security Research
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Leesa Duckworth
Non-Proliferation Program Specialist
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Formerly with the Pantex Plant
Malte Göttsche
Research Associate, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Centre for Science and Peace Research
University of Hamburg
Corey Hinderstein
Vice President, International Program
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Steinar Høibråten, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist
Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
David Keir, Ph.D.
Programme Director, Verification and Monitoring
The Verification, Research, Training, and Information Centre
Formerly with the U.K. Atomic Weapons Establishment
D. Burgess Laird
Senior Analyst
Institute for Defense Analysis
Martin Williamson, Ph.D.
Technical Advisor, Office of Nuclear Verification
National Nuclear Security Administration
On temporary assignment from the Y-12 National Security Complex
Nuclear Materials Subgroup
Matthew Bunn
Ph.D. Professor of Practice
Harvard Kennedy School
Co-Principal Investigator
Managing the Atom Project
Anatoli Diakov, Ph.D.
Center for Arms Control, Energy and Environmental Studies, Russia
Corey Hinderstein
Vice President, International Program
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Ramamurti Rajaraman, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor of Physics
Jawaharlal Nehru University, India
International Panel on Fissile Materials
Therese Renis
Section Head, Division of Concepts and Planning, Department of Safeguards
International Atomic Energy Agency
Elise Rowan
Communications Officer
Nuclear Threat Initiative
Jonas Siegel
Project Manager and Outreach Director
Center for International and Security Studies at Maryland
Morag Smith, Ph.D.
Program Manager
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lars van Dassen
Head, Office for International Relations
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority
Thomas Wood
Senior Program Manager for Non-Proliferation Policy
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Members of the Nuclear Threat Initiative’s Verification Pilot Project endorse the general tenor of this report but were not asked to support each individual finding and recommendation. The views expressed in this report do not reflect those of the institutions with which the working group members are associated. Their affiliations are listed for the purpose of identification only.
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Innovating Verification Overview