Summer is winding down fast and the fall semester will soon be in
full swing. Are you ready for this year’s international relations class? Is
your lesson plan prepared for your course on cybersecurity threats? If you need
some resources to get you ready, NTI’s EDUCATION CENTER should be your first stop! There, you’ll find our top teaching tools, such as a
new nuclear
posture quiz and an Iran Nuclear Deal interactive
website. And if you haven’t played our U.S.-Russian nuclear bunker Minecraft
game yet, you’re missing out.
Students and professors who need to take a deeper dive on threats
related to WMD should visit the LEARN section for threat overviews
and helpful resources like our tutorials. We’ve
also recently updated several country profiles, including Russia
and North Korea,
along with numerous entries in the Treaties & Regimes section, including
the Treaty
on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. Researchers and those in
advanced classes might want to take a look at our databases: Iran
Missile and SLV Launches, North
Korea Missile Launches, and the Global
Incidents and Trafficking.
This Back-to-School
initiative is part of NTI’s public education mission, aimed at providing
professors, students, researchers, and other audiences the need-to-know facts
about WMD related threats. NTI is forging a network of educators and
students who are engaged on WMDD issues and fostering a culture of WMDD
education that is both comprehensive and comprehensible for all levels. If you teach or study issues related to our
work, sign up to this network to keep updated on what we have to offer.