
NTI Hosts 10th Meeting of the Global Dialogue on Nuclear Security Priorities in Velen, Germany

Government officials from 15 countries, industry
representatives, and nongovernment experts gathered in Velen, Germany on Nov
5-6 to discuss steps to ensure that nuclear materials are secured from
terrorists and to speed progress toward a comprehensive and effective global
nuclear security system.

It was the 10th meeting of the Global Dialogue
on Nuclear Security Priorities
, first convened by the Nuclear Threat
Initiative as a Track 1.5 process
in 2012 in support of the Nuclear
Security Summits. The Global Dialogue
provides a forum for discussion
on sustaining attention and accelerating progress toward improved global
nuclear security.

The 10th
Global Dialogue in Context

The 10th Global Dialogue helped participants lay the
groundwork for three subsequent international meetings:

  • The second Technical and
    Legal Experts meeting
    in preparation for the 2021 conference to review the
    Amendment to the Convention on the
    Physical of Nuclear Materials (CPPNM/A)
    . The CPPNM/A is the only
    international convention that requires countries to protect their nuclear
    materials and facilities, and the review conference provides a unique
    opportunity to establish a much-needed regular, substantive dialogue among
    states on nuclear security;
  • Official
    deliberations on a draft ministerial declaration
    to be
    issued by countries at the February 2020 International Atomic Energy Agency
    (IAEA) International Conference on
    Nuclear Security (2020 ICONS)
    , a conference held every three years by the
    IAEA for government officials and experts to discuss nuclear security, and
    which features a one-day ministerial level meeting; and
  • A meeting of the Nuclear
    Security Contact Group
    , established by a group of countries that
    participated in the Nuclear Security Summits to facilitate cooperation and
    sustained engagement on nuclear security after the conclusion of the Nuclear
    Security Summits in 2016.

For more on the significance of these meetings, see a recent
blogpost by NTI Senior Director
Samantha Neakrase, Reviving Political
Momentum to Strengthen Nuclear Security
” (October 28, 2019, European
Leadership Network), as well as her article
Strengthening Nuclear
Security with a Sustainable CPPNM Regime
(June 2019, Arms
Control Today).

the 10th Global Dialogue

In addition to government officials and NGOs, the meeting in
Germany included representatives from the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA), the United Nations, the European Commission, and the World Institute
for Nuclear Security.

To help inform official deliberations, the meeting focused on:

  • Options for promoting an ambitious, forward-leaning ministerial
    declaration to be issued by countries at the IAEA’s 2020 ICONS, as well as
    making the case for countries to make new nuclear security commitments at the conference;
  • Substantive issues related to the 2021 conference to review the CPPNM/A,
    including how to review implementation of the convention and its adequacy; and
  • Regional approaches and tools for strengthening dialogue and
    progress on nuclear security.

The first two topics were supported by NTI papers, available here. Four
experts also contributed discussion papers on regional approaches and tools in
the Asia-Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbean
were, also available

The Global Dialogue project is led by NTI Vice President Laura Holgate and NTI Senior Director Samantha Neakrase. Learn
more about the Global Dialogue at

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NTI at the Second-Ever Joint Meeting of INMM and ESARDA


NTI at the Second-Ever Joint Meeting of INMM and ESARDA

NTI Senior Director Nickolas Roth participated in the second-ever joint meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) and the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA).

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