Programs & Projects

Global Nuclear Policy Program (GNPP)


With increasing tensions among major nuclear powers, regional proliferation, and instability in various parts of the world, the risk that a nuclear weapon will be used – by accident, miscalculation or intention – is dangerously high and on the rise.

The Global Nuclear Policy Program (GNPP) focuses on reducing and ultimately eliminating that risk. The program works with governments, partner organizations, and leaders around the world to develop policies, leadership, and the global capacity—human and institutional—to reduce reliance on nuclear weapons, prevent their spread, and ultimately end them as a threat to the world. This includes:

  • Promoting nuclear policies that reduce the role, number, and risk of use of nuclear weapons
  • Encouraging and facilitating international cooperation to reduce nuclear risks, including bilateral U.S.-Russia arms control and dialogue, U.S.-China engagement on nuclear risks and strategic issues, and multilateral disarmament and nonproliferation efforts including the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)
  • Engaging Congress to foster bipartisan awareness and support for policies that can reduce the risk of use of nuclear weapons
  • Conducting research and analysis aimed at developing and implementing practical, innovative approaches to reducing and eventually eliminating nuclear weapons.


Horizon 2045

Horizon 2045

Devising new strategies and approaches to move towards a world without nuclear weapons

News & Analysis

Announcing New Task Force on Nuclear Proliferation and U.S. National Security


Announcing New Task Force on Nuclear Proliferation and U.S. National Security

The Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard Kennedy School, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and NTI are co-chairing a new bipartisan task force comprised of over a dozen former senior government officials and experts with deep national security experience.

See All Analysis on Global Nuclear Policy Program (GNPP)


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