Global Enterprise to Strengthen Non-Proliferation and Disarmament

Working toward a shared vision of a nuclear weapons-free world


The risks of nuclear use, proliferation, and terrorism are increasing, and international polarization on non-proliferation and disarmament issues is worsening. These dynamics threaten the stability of critical international arms control regimes, like the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).


Strengthen the NPT regime by convening a high-level, international dialogue to drive fresh, creative thinking, generate new ideas, and address political divisions that are stalling progress.


Revitalized international relationships that create a strong foundation for success at the 10th NPT Review Conference and re-build the long-term vision for a world without nuclear weapons.

The international non-proliferation and disarmament community is increasingly divided over critical questions: What is the role of nuclear deterrence? What is the vision for nuclear disarmament and arms reduction? What steps are necessary to prevent proliferation and use of nuclear weapons? This polarization challenges the stability of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and its role as a central and credible forum for dialogue and progress on preventing proliferation, fostering the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and advancing nuclear disarmament.

The Global Enterprise to Strengthen Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (GE) is a multi-year Track 1.5 initiative designed to strengthen the NPT. Since 2018, GE meetings have convened officials and experts from over 20 countries in an informal setting where they can build understanding around different perspectives and priorities, find areas of agreement, and work collaboratively to find creative solutions to difficult problems. Participants have identified practical steps, new initiatives, and meaningful commitments that States parties can employ to demonstrate their ability to cooperate and advance treaty goals at the 10th NPT Review Conference and beyond.





Toward a Successful 10th NPT Review Conference: Recommendations informed by NTI’s Global Enterprise to Strengthen Nonproliferation and Disarmament


Toward a Successful 10th NPT Review Conference: Recommendations informed by NTI’s Global Enterprise to Strengthen Nonproliferation and Disarmament

This paper offers a focused set of recommendations for specific commitments related to practical and achievable actions that States parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) could take to advance the NPT’s goals and achieve success at the 10th NPT Review Conference.

NTI’s Global Enterprise Convenes Officials from Latin America, Africa, and Asia Ahead of 10th NPT RevCon

Risky Business

NTI’s Global Enterprise Convenes Officials from Latin America, Africa, and Asia Ahead of 10th NPT RevCon

NTI's Global Enterprise to Strengthen Nonproliferation and Disarmament (GE), a Track 1.5 initiative that regularly convenes officials from more than 20 countries, along with several non-governmental experts, convened officials from Latin America, Africa, and Asia Ahead of 10th NPT RevCon.


Recommendations for a Successful 10th NPT Review Conference


Recommendations for a Successful 10th NPT Review Conference

A new NTI paper offers a focused set of recommendations for achieving success at the 10th Review Conference (RevCon) of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) to be held in New York from January 4-22, 2022.





NTI Supports Vatican Conference on Disarmament


NTI Supports Vatican Conference on Disarmament

The Vatican is hosting a two-day international symposium on a nuclear-weapons-free world this week, against the backdrop of an escalating nuclear tensions.


New Yemen Country Profile


New Yemen Country Profile

A profile by the Center for Nonproliferation Studies focuses on Yemen, whose failed state status has given safe havens to several Islamist terror organizations.

NTI and CNS release Iran Deal Progress Report Video


NTI and CNS release Iran Deal Progress Report Video

The NTI, in partnership with the James Martin CNS, today released a new video on the current progress of the JCPOA, more commonly known as the Iran Deal.

Statement by Sam Nunn on North Korea Nuclear Test


Statement by Sam Nunn on North Korea Nuclear Test

“Although information about the North Korean test is not definitive, the statements from North Korea and available evidence are of great concern."


Catholic Perspectives on Nuclear Deterrence


Catholic Perspectives on Nuclear Deterrence

NTI Vice Chairman will join Vatican representatives and Catholic scholars to discuss evolving Catholic approaches to nuclear proliferation and disarmament on the margins of the 2015 NPT Review Conference.

More than 100 Current and Former Senior Leaders Issue Urgent Call for Successful 2015 NPT Review Conference & Outline Key Steps for Progress


More than 100 Current and Former Senior Leaders Issue Urgent Call for Successful 2015 NPT Review Conference & Outline Key Steps for Progress

More than 100 current and former senior political, military and diplomatic leaders from 43 countries call for a renewed sense of urgency and responsibility among NPT members to achieve a successful 2015 NPT Review Conference.






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