Programs & Projects

Global Biological Policy & Programs (NTI | bio)


Biological threats – whether natural, accidental or deliberate — can kill millions, cost billions, and create political and economic instability in individual countries and around the world. The risks and consequences of a global catastrophic biological event can be magnified by weak global health security, increasing urbanization and travel, growing terrorist interest in weapons of mass destruction, and rapid advances in technology that enable newly developed or manipulated pathogens with pandemic potential.

To reduce these risks and strengthen biosecurity, NTI | bio works with governments, industry, academia, international organizations and NGOs to foster multilateral dialogue, identify weaknesses, and promote systemic change to improve biotechnology governance and national health security capacities.

NTI offers solutions through a range of projects. Among them:

  • Global Health Security Index: Launched in 2019, the GHS Index is the first comprehensive assessment of the health security capacities of 195 countries. The second edition, now in development, will be released in December.
  • Global Biological Catastrophic Risks: NTI | bio’s multi-faceted work in this area includes building a stronger case for decision-makers to prioritize action to counter catastrophic biological risks; establishing new forums focused on preventing the development and use of biological weapons by powerful actors; strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention; and developing innovative solutions for early detection and rapid response.
  • Global Biosecurity Dialogue: To identify way to advance international biosecurity — and measure those advances — NTI | bio brings together senior officials from ministries of foreign affairs, health, defense, agriculture and other relevant sectors to build cross-border collaboration; increase the number of countries providing national, regional, or global financial and technical support to strengthen biosecurity; and promote new actions and investments among senior officials to mitigate emerging biological risks.


Biosecurity Innovation and Risk Reduction Initiative

Biosecurity Innovation and Risk Reduction Initiative

Advances in biotechnology outpace national governments’ ability to provide needed oversight to prevent accidents or deliberate misuse of dangerous biological agents.

Global Health Security Index

Global Health Security Index

The GHS Index highlights individual country needs, boost compliance with international standards, and create better understanding of global capabilities to prevent, detect, and respond to biological threats.

News & Analysis

NTI | bio Proposes New Solutions to Prevent Bioweapons Development and Use


NTI | bio Proposes New Solutions to Prevent Bioweapons Development and Use

During the fifth session of the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) Working Group meetings, NTI | bio presented solutions that could effectively reduce the risk of bioweapons development and use by states and other powerful actors.

Disincentivizing Bioweapons: Theory and Policy Approaches

Special Report

Disincentivizing Bioweapons: Theory and Policy Approaches

This essay collection is designed to encourage the exploration and identification of potential solutions to disincentivize states from developing or using biological weapons. The goal of this collection is to bridge theory and practical policy-relevant approaches to develop new approaches to invigorate international efforts to reduce biological threats.

Developing Guardrails for AI Biodesign Tools


Developing Guardrails for AI Biodesign Tools

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) with the life sciences offers tremendous potential benefits to society, but advances in AI biodesign tools also pose significant risks of misuse, with the potential for global consequences.

See All Analysis on Biological


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